AstraZeneca vaccine vs Me Part 1

I finally got my first dose of the vaccine and decided to blog about it. This will be a boring one to some, but that’s good and let me tell you why.

First thing first , I’m still alive so that’s a good sign. For those who want to get to the point:

My side effects

Light headache the first day and a sore arm where I got injected which lasts until now (3rd day). So count me lucky.

Things I haven’t experienced

Becoming magnetic. I have seen people sharing posts of others they were afraid of becoming magnetic. And it even concerned a few that when after they got vaccinated they tried putting keys on their arm… yeah I also facepalmed hard

Becoming 5G ready. I have no clue what this means, but if it means I get faster internet speeds it’s a plus in my book

Getting microchipped. You mean they want to track us now with a vaccine? In stead of our driver license, vaccines we got as children, our social media profiles or phone?

Death… I’m writing this blog post, unless I’m zombie or vampire which I neither can confirm or deny. And I’ll give you this. The chances of you surviving COVID with a vaccine are still way better that without it.

What made me finally decide?

Reading and research mostly. And I’m not talking about reading the facebook posts of people with “A friend of mine got vaccinated…” or “I heard…”. But actual articles from the WHO sites and some YouTube videos. Here’s a link to video that also explains the efficacy of different types of vaccines .

Watch this video to see why you can’t compare vaccines

Vaccines were first available somewhere in February, but not for the general public yet. I think it was for health workers and people above 40 or 60 with underlying diseases. And when the numbers started going up they finally decided everyone above 18 can get vaccinated.

Like many I was hesitant at first. Why don’t we have access to more vaccines , the “prime” , the best of the best with a higher efficacy rate? I wanted only the best. And most of my friends also had the same opinion. So I wasn’t in a real hurry to get vaccinated.

In the meantime I kept doing my part, social distancing , wearing a mask, wash hands… you know common sense.

Also some of my friends and family got vaccinated with minimum side effects. And everything turned out fine. So that also helped me decide. So if you don’t know what to do yet, ask a good friend who has taken the step and not some article on the internet. There are still articles that say the earth is flat and there are people who believe this. And many other examples, just make sure to listen to others too to form your opinion.

So I just want to add, will vaccines keep us from getting COVID ? No, but it can keep us from getting hospitalized or worse. AstraZeneca has a efficacy of 70%, but that’s always better than zero. Will a seatbelt keep you from getting killed in a car accident? No, but it will increase your chances of survival.

Will be posting again when I get my second shot.