Creating a FATCA XML file from an Excel File


FATCA reporting is around the corner. Now if you’re looking for information how to create an FATCA XML file to upload for the IRS IDES portal, chances are you work for a bank or another financial institution. And you have no idea how to create or need an example to create such a thing. Well, you’re in the right place Continue reading “Creating a FATCA XML file from an Excel File”

Working with WordPress

Although I’ve been developing websites for about 10 years, I’ve never actually made a lot of WordPress sites. In the beginning it was just your standard static HTML website, then building your own CMS with PHP. After that learning Joomla! (From Version 1.0 till 3.5) and then building a CMS with Symfony ( Up until version 1.9 ).  Only when I started blogging this year I’ve been doing a lot of digging in WordPress.  And I love their community so far. Plugins galore! I’m not a full-time web developer anymore, so finding plugins for a simple or difficult task is a time saver.

So I hope that logging in WordPress will also help me get to know this CMS better.